floor screed suppliers

What is Floor Screeding and How To Screed A Floor?

Are you looking for a flooring material that provides a smooth, level surface? If yes, then floor screed mix might be the solution you need. In this article, we will discuss what floor screed mix is, its benefits, and how to apply it to your project.

Floor Screed Mix: Types, Benefits, Preparation, and Maintenance

  • Types of floor screed mix include cement-based, calcium sulphate-based, and polymer-modified.
  • Benefits of floor screed mix include improved thermal insulation, noise reduction, durability, strength, aesthetic appeal, and leveling of uneven subfloors.
  • Proper preparation includes subfloor preparation, mixing of floor screed mix, and application techniques. Curing, drying, and finishing are also important steps to consider.

Floor screed mix is a type of flooring material that is applied to subfloors to create a smooth, level surface. It is typically used in construction projects where a level floor is essential, such as in the installation of tiles, carpet, or wood flooring.

The floor screed mix is made up of a mixture of cement, sand, and water, and it is poured onto the subfloor to create a level surface. Once the floor screed mix has been applied, it must be allowed to dry and cure before any additional flooring materials can be installed.

Type of Floor Screed Mix Composition Benefits
Cement-based Floor Screed Mix Cement, sand, water Highly durable, resistant to wear and tear, ideal for high-traffic areas
Calcium Sulphate-based Floor Screed Mix Calcium sulphate binder, sand, water Excellent thermal properties, quick-drying, great for underfloor heating systems
Polymer-modified Floor Screed Mix Cement, sand, water, polymer additive Highly resistant to cracking, durable, moisture-resistant
Bags of cement and calcium sulphate powder


Types of Floor Screed Mix

There are several types of floor screed mix available, each with its own unique composition, properties, and benefits. Here are the most common types of floor screed mix:

Cement-based Floor Screed Mix

Cement-based floor screed mix is the most common type of floor screed mix used in construction projects. It is made up of a mixture of cement, sand, and water, and it is poured onto the subfloor to create a smooth, level surface.

Cement-based floor screed mix is highly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic. It is also resistant to wear and tear, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas such as commercial buildings and factories.

Calcium Sulphate-based Floor Screed Mix

Calcium sulphate-based floor screed mix is a popular alternative to cement-based floor screed mix. It is made up of a mixture of calcium sulphate binder, sand, and water, and it is poured onto the subfloor to create a smooth, level surface.

Calcium sulphate-based floor screed mix is known for its excellent thermal properties, making it a great choice for underfloor heating systems. It is also quick-drying and can be ready for flooring installation within 24-48 hours.

Polymer-modified Floor Screed Mix

Polymer-modified floor screed mix is a more advanced type of floor screed mix that is designed to provide additional benefits such as improved durability and strength. It is made up of a mixture of cement, sand, water, and a polymer additive, which enhances the properties of the screed.

Polymer-modified floor screed mix is highly resistant to cracking and can withstand heavy foot traffic. It is also resistant to moisture and can be used in areas where the subfloor is prone to moisture damage.

Comparison of the Different Types of Floor Screed Mix

Each type of floor screed mix has its own unique properties and benefits. Cement-based floor screed mix is the most common and widely used type of floor screed mix, while calcium sulphate-based floor screed mix is ideal for underfloor heating systems. Polymer-modified floor screed mix is best suited for areas that require additional durability and strength.

Person walking on a smooth screeded floor


Benefits of Floor Screed Mix

There are several benefits to using floor screed mix in construction projects. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved Thermal Insulation

Floor screed mix provides excellent thermal insulation, which can help to reduce heating costs and improve energy efficiency.

Better Noise Reduction

Floor screed mix can help to reduce noise levels and improve acoustics in a building.

Enhanced Durability and Strength

Floor screed mix is highly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic and wear and tear.

Aesthetic Appeal

Floor screed mix provides a smooth, level surface that is ideal for installing a wide range of flooring materials.

Leveling of Uneven Subfloors

Floor screed mix can be used to level uneven subfloors and create a smooth, level surface.

Comparison of Floor Screed Mix to Other Flooring Options

Compared to other flooring options such as tiles, carpet, and wood flooring, floor screed mix is more durable, longer-lasting, and requires less maintenance.

Mixing machine with workers pouring materials


Preparation and Application of Floor Screed Mix

Before applying floor screed mix, it is important to properly prepare the subfloor. Here are the key steps in preparing the subfloor for floor screed mix:

Personal Story: The Importance of Proper Subfloor Preparation

I learned the importance of proper subfloor preparation the hard way. As a contractor, I was hired to screed the floors of a new home construction project. I was confident in my skills and experience, and didn’t think that the subfloor would pose any issues.

However, I soon found out that the subfloor was not level. I tried to compensate by pouring extra screed mix in some areas, but it only made the problem worse. The new floor was uneven and bumpy, and the clients were not satisfied.

I realized that I should have taken the time to properly prepare the subfloor before pouring the screed mix. This would have saved me time, money, and effort in the long run. From then on, I made it a priority to always check the subfloor for levelness, moisture content, and any other issues that might affect the quality of the floor screed.

Proper subfloor preparation is essential for achieving a smooth and level floor. It ensures that the screed mix will adhere properly and not crack or crumble over time. It also prevents moisture issues, which can lead to mold growth, odor, and other problems.

As a flooring professional, I always advise my clients to invest in subfloor preparation before screeding. It might seem like an extra step, but it will save them time and money in the long run.

Subfloor Preparation

The subfloor should be cleaned and leveled to ensure that the floor screed mix will adhere properly. Moisture testing should also be performed to identify any moisture issues that may affect the quality of the floor screed mix.

Mixing of Floor Screed Mix

The floor screed mix should be mixed in the correct proportions and consistency to ensure that it is properly applied. The right tools and equipment should also be used to mix the floor screed mix.

Application of Floor Screed Mix

The floor screed mix should be poured and spread evenly onto the subfloor. Proper levelling and smoothing techniques should also be used to ensure that the floor screed mix is applied correctly.

After the floor screed mix has been applied, it must be allowed to dry and cure before any additional flooring materials can be installed. Here are the key steps in curing, drying, and finishing floor screed mix:

Curing and Drying Time

The curing and drying time of floor screed mix will depend on the type of mix used and the conditions in which it is applied. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for curing and drying times.

Testing for Ready-to-Use Status

Before installing any additional flooring materials, it is important to test the floor screed mix for readiness. This can be done using a moisture meter or by performing a visual inspection.

Finishing Options

There are several finishing options available for floor screed mix, including grinding and polishing and sealing. These options can help to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the floor screed mix and improve its durability.

Person cleaning a screeded floor with a mop


Maintenance of Floor Screed Mix

Proper maintenance of floor screed mix is essential to ensure its longevity and durability. Here are some tips for maintaining floor screed mix:

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Floor screed mix should be regularly cleaned and maintained to prevent the buildup of dirt and debris.

Repairing Cracks and Damages

If any cracks or damages occur in the floor screed mix, they should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Resurfacing the Floor Screed Mix When Necessary

If the floor screed mix becomes worn or damaged, it may need to be resurfaced to restore its appearance and functionality.

Cracked and damaged screeded floor


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Some common mistakes to avoid when working with floor screed mix include applying it to a wet or uneven subfloor, using incorrect mixing proportions, and failing to properly cure and dry the floor screed mix.

Choosing the Right Floor Screed Mix

Choosing the right floor screed mix for your project is essential to ensure its success. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a floor screed mix:

Project Requirements

Consider the expected foot traffic, weight loads, and finish flooring when selecting a floor screed mix.

Subfloor Conditions

The levelness and moisture content of the subfloor are important factors in choosing the right floor screed mix.

Budget Considerations

Consider the cost of the floor screed mix and any additional materials or services needed.

Consultation with a Flooring Professional

Consulting with a flooring professional can help ensure that the right floor screed mix is selected for your project.


Floor screed mix is an essential component of many construction projects. By following the proper preparation and application techniques, floor screed suppliers provides excellent thermal insulation, noise reduction, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Proper maintenance, avoiding common mistakes, and choosing the right floor screed mix for your project are key factors to ensure success.