How To Mix Concrete?

How To Mix Concrete?

Are you a beginner in mixing concrete? If you’re planning to undertake a construction project, mixing concrete is a crucial task you’ll need to learn. As a professional construction worker with over a decade of experience, I have mixed concrete for various projects, including building foundations, patios, and walkways. In this article, I will guide you through the basic steps for mixing concrete, the materials required, and some tips for troubleshooting common problems.

Understanding the Basics of Mixing Concrete

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, coarse aggregate, and water. The cement acts as a binding agent, while the sand and coarse aggregate provide structure and strength. Water is added to create a workable consistency. The process of mixing concrete involves combining these materials in the correct proportions and mixing them thoroughly to create a uniform mixture.

How to Mix Concrete

  • Concrete mixing is vital for construction projects.
  • Basic knowledge of concrete mixing required.
  • Materials needed are cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water and mixing equipment.

Materials Required for Mixing Concrete

Before you begin the mixing process, you’ll need to gather all the necessary materials and equipment. Here are the materials required for mixing concrete:


Cement is the primary binding agent in concrete. It is available in different types, including Portland cement, which is the most common type used in construction projects. Portland cement is available in different grades, with each grade indicating the strength of the cement.


Sand is the secondary component in concrete. It provides structure and stability to the mixture. The sand used in concrete should be clean and free of debris.

Coarse Aggregate

Coarse aggregate is typically made of crushed stone or gravel. It provides strength and stability to the concrete mixture. The size of the coarse aggregate used depends on the specific project requirements.


Water is added to the concrete mixture to create a workable consistency. It is important to add the correct amount of water to ensure the strength and durability of the final product.

Mixing Equipment

The equipment required for mixing concrete includes a mixer, bucket, and shovel. The mixer can be an electric mixer or a manual mixer. It is essential to ensure that the mixer is clean and free of debris before beginning the mixing process.

Steps for Mixing Concrete

Once you have gathered all the necessary materials and equipment, you can begin the mixing process. Here are the steps for mixing concrete:

Step 1: Preparing and Measuring the Materials Correctly

Before adding the materials to the mixer, measure them correctly. Use a measuring bucket or container to measure the correct amount of cement, sand, and coarse aggregate.

Step 2: Adding Materials to the Mixer in the Correct Order

Add the materials to the mixer in the following order: half of the water, cement, sand, coarse aggregate, and the remaining water. It is important to add the materials in the correct order to ensure a uniform mixture.

Step 3: Mixing the Concrete to the Correct Consistency

Mix the concrete for several minutes until it reaches a workable consistency. The consistency should be similar to a thick milkshake. If the mixture is too dry, add more water. If the mixture is too wet, add more cement or sand.

Step 4: Pouring the Mixed Concrete into the Project Area

Once the concrete is mixed to the correct consistency, pour it into the project area. Use a trowel or float to spread the concrete evenly. Allow the concrete to cure for several days before using the project area.

Mixing Different Types of Concrete

There are different types of concrete mixes available, including standard concrete, high-strength concrete, self-leveling concrete, and more. Standard concrete is suitable for most construction projects, while high-strength concrete like C40 concrete is used for projects that require a higher load-bearing capacity. Self-leveling concrete is used for projects that require a level surface, such as floors.

Tips for Successful Concrete Mixing

Type of Concrete Mix Uses
Standard Concrete Mix Suitable for most construction projects
High-Strength Concrete Mix Used for projects that require a higher load-bearing capacity
Self-Leveling Concrete Mix Used for projects that require a level surface, such as floors
Lightweight Concrete Mix Used for projects that require a lightweight material, such as precast concrete elements
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Mix Used for projects that require increased tensile strength and durability, such as bridge decks and parking structures

Here are some tips for successful concrete mixing:

Use the Correct Ratio of Materials

The correct ratio of materials is essential to achieving the desired strength and durability of the concrete. Measure the materials correctly and add them in the correct order.

Use Clean Equipment and Materials

Clean equipment and materials are essential to achieving a uniform mixture. Ensure that the mixer, bucket, and shovel are clean and free of debris before beginning the mixing process.

Mix the Concrete Thoroughly

Mix the concrete thoroughly to ensure a uniform mixture. The mixing time and speed depend on the specific project requirements.

Add Water Slowly and Gradually

Add water slowly and gradually to ensure the correct consistency. Avoid adding too much water, as this can weaken the concrete.

Use Additives to Improve the Quality of the Concrete

Additives such as plasticizers, accelerators, and retarders can improve the workability, strength, and durability of the concrete.

Troubleshooting Common Concrete Mixing Problems

Here are some common concrete mixing problems and how to troubleshoot them:

Concrete Too Dry or Too Wet

If the concrete is too dry, add more water. If the concrete is too wet, add more cement or sand.

Concrete Not Setting Properly

If the concrete is not setting properly, it may be due to the incorrect ratio of materials or the mixing time and speed. Check the ratio of materials and mix the concrete thoroughly.

Concrete Cracking or Crumbling

If the concrete is cracking or crumbling, it may be due to the incorrect ratio of materials or the improper curing process. Check the ratio of materials and ensure that the concrete is curing properly.

Safety Precautions When Mixing Concrete

Mixing concrete can be hazardous, and it is essential to take the necessary safety precautions. Here are some safety precautions to follow when mixing concrete:

Wear Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, a dust mask, and safety glasses. This will protect you from dust and debris.

Avoid Inhaling Dust from Cement or Concrete

Inhaling dust from cement or concrete can be hazardous to your health. Avoid inhaling dust by wearing a dust mask and working in a well-ventilated area.

Be Cautious When Handling Heavy Bags of Cement or Aggregate

Heavy bags of cement or aggregate can cause injury if not handled correctly. Lift them with care and avoid twisting or straining.

Best Practices for Mixing Concrete

Here are some best practices for mixing concrete:

Store and Transport Concrete Properly

Store and transport concrete properly to ensure that it does not dry out or become contaminated.

Use the Right Tools and Equipment

Use the right tools and equipment to ensure that the concrete is mixed properly.

Maintain the Mixer

Maintain the mixer by cleaning it thoroughly after each use and performing regular maintenance.

Clean Up After Mixing

Clean up after mixing by disposing of any unused materials and cleaning the mixer, bucket, and shovel thoroughly.

Personal Experience: Importance of Proper Ratio

During a home renovation project, I decided to mix the concrete myself instead of paying for a pre-mixed batch. I had all the necessary materials and equipment and thought it would be a straightforward process. However, after pouring the concrete and letting it dry, I noticed that it was cracked and had a rough surface.

After some research, I realized that I had not used the correct ratio of materials. I had added too much water, which made the concrete weak and prone to cracking. I also had not mixed it thoroughly enough, which resulted in a rough surface.

I had to redo the entire project, which cost me more time and money than if I had just paid for a professional batch of Ready Mix Concrete London. From this experience, I learned the importance of using the correct ratio of materials and mixing the concrete thoroughly. It may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in the quality and durability of the finished project.


Mixing concrete correctly is essential to ensure the strength and durability of the final product. Understanding the basics of mixing concrete, choosing the right materials and equipment, and following safety precautions and best practices are essential to achieving the desired results. Mixing different types of concrete requires careful attention to the project requirements. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a successful concrete mixing project.


Who can mix concrete?

Anyone can mix concrete with the right tools.

What materials do I need to mix concrete?

You’ll need cement, sand, gravel, and water.

How do I mix concrete?

Mix the dry ingredients, add water, and mix until it’s the right consistency.

Who can I contact for help with mixing concrete?

Contact a local construction company or hardware store for guidance.

What if my concrete mix is too dry?

Add a little more water until it reaches the desired consistency.

How long does it take for concrete to dry?

It typically takes 24-48 hours for concrete to dry completely.